Today I watch a really good movie on TV, its name is “I am Sam”.
Have you ever watched it? It is a drama in 2001. I want to share my feeling about it.
When I watch it, I can't stop to cry for a while. It really touches my heart deeply.
That's why it makes me cry most.
Although Sam Dawson has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old, he still tries hard to raises her and spends lots of time staying with her and tells story to her. He really loves his daughter no matter who oppose. To not let Sam down, she's intentionally holding back to avoid looking smarter than him. The authorities take her away, and Sam shames high-priced lawyer Rita Harrison into taking his case pro bono. In the process, he teaches her a great deal about love, and whether it's really all everyone need.
I think much more than before when watching it. In Taiwan, there are children are abandoned by unweded mothers. The unweded mothers regard their child as miserable accident.
Because some mothers are pregnant in the teenager-age, they don't have economic ability to raise children. Therefore they don't want to have child, but they don't want to kill baby either. Therefore the poor baby are born and then be sent to orphanage. They don't feel warm in real family but they must desire to have a whole family. Compare with the unwedded mother, Sam is a very good father even though he has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. It's enough only love. This is my idea when I watch “I am Sam” and I want to share my idea with you. Because you are my truly friend, I am willing to share everything in my life with you!
If you have watched it, what do you think about? If you haven't watched it, what do you think about my idea?
PS. This is a diary for all my friends!
- Aug 16 Wed 2006 13:26
My idea of "I am Sam"