
A 30-Year Journey
she said" I was born and raised in the American Midwest, along with two more brothers, and I dreamed of one day meeting the sibling the communists had stolen from our family." 
從中國在1970-2008 她觀察了中國的各種變化
從Mr. Mao的cultural revolution到 Deng Xiaoping had unleashed forces of a different sort. 
China's rulers needed Hong Kong, and not just for its money spinning stock exchange. With little trace of communism remaining beyond the name of their monolithic party, they had to find another "ism" to justify their continued hold on power. The answer: nationalism. Party leaders recast themselves as the country's great defenders, who would avenge past injuries and restore national pride. Hong Kong was only the first step. Macau would soon follow. And the big pride would be Taiwan. America, the policeman of the Pacific, watched nervously. A year earlier Beijing had staged a massive missile-firing exercise in the Taiwan Strait, attempting to tilt the island's presidential vote. Now the China Navy was vigorously asserting claims to specks of sand and coral in the South China Sea. At times the territorial grabs seemed laughable, like the giant raft of mainland topsoil they anchored at a spot called Mischief Reef. The Chinese planted a floating vegetable garden on it under a sign declaring LONG LIVE THE MOTHERLAND. Still, Washington couldn't help wondering if a new cold war was brewing. 可見中國把台灣當成是第二個香港,想把台灣回歸大陸
Also there was one big difference. The rebels of 1989 wanted China's leader to adopt the West's ideals. The rebels of 1999 increasingly viewed the West as their enemy and thought Beijing wasm if anything, too soft. China was stronger, more confident and more active on the international stage than it had been for centuries.
因此也許未來某一天,不管東方還是西方,大家都要學中國話,教中文的商機來了...華語市場正逐漸看好 XD
還有很有趣的是"Sea Turtles"
When Chinese return home from life in the West, people here call them "sea turtles" because of their migrations back and forth across the ocean.
Many fear missing out on the newest developments if they stay away too long. 可見中國進步得太快速,若太久沒回去就會fall behind
Someone said" I came back from State after a couple years and didn't even know what my friends were talking about," "What did they mean by business 'platforms'?"
還有2008奧運在中國 For Beijing, a smooth Games will take a lot of things- including winning more than anyone else.

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    My simple Life

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