
China's rise is empowering its legions of working women. But they're finding the rewards aren't so sweet. Why?
Confucius said that" a virtuous woman is without talent."
This notion remains deeply rooted in Chinese culture. We don't like highly educated, highly paid professional women. Deep down, many Chinese remain very skeptical about the value of successful woman when it comes to relationships, families and social environments. When women make money, it is considered disruptive.
Consider the case of my communications director: only two months after she was promoted to that post, she asked me for a demotion. When I asked why, she replied that she did not want to give her fiance the impression that she was too focus on her career. What's wrong with that? I asked. She said that in his family, a " good woman" was one who made her husband and her family the priority of her life.
西方人或許覺得it is a ridiculous reason,但是的確有些婦女會為了這個"女子無才便是德"的迂腐思想而降職 
Dear Huang, I am 32, and have a master's degree in English. I am also very good looking, if I may say so. But I have problems finding a spouse. One of the problem is that I am not a virgin. The other one is that my graduate degree is intimidating to Chinese men. My friends suggest that I lie about both and even get an operation [to stimulate virginity]. Is this the only way I can get someone to love me? Should I do it?
我還蠻想看這位兩性專欄作家怎麼reply her, 可惜她沒說
由此可知, 大部分的中國高知識女性同胞全被" a virtuous woman is without talent." 打入18層地獄永不翻生了!!!
假如我是她的話.我會勸她找個老外嫁了, 就不用去tell a lie or do the surgery...欺騙他人也傷身都免了...找個帥帥老外還能生個混血baby, 不是很棒嗎??
再說,既然是念英文系的,就不怕溝通上有困難了!  XD 看來我可以去做兩性專欄作家了!!!    哈哈XDXDXDXD

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    My simple Life

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