
(In the computer lab now)

You are a climb. You are reaching for your goals and believing who u truly are. Your very sweet and sensitive to everyone you know. This makes you very appealing to people. Everyone knows that you are the quiet, shy, mature SEXY person

You are interested in old architecture and ancient history. However, you also would like to be close to be warm beach where you could lay back and relax in the sun after all that studying. You belong in Italy!

you are the social person who make usefull contacts. you introduce important people to influencial people and always reap some sort of reward as a result...but you dont enjoy the spotlight as much. you prefer to stay in the back as there is more room to strech and you like the feeling that you are the one with the power and most of the time that is true... you will do well in almost anyfield you know how to flater without being to obivous and you can make just about anyone like you

    創作者 emilyindisney 的頭像

    My simple Life

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