1. ttul= Talk to you later, 下次在聊
2. 99= night night, 晚安 good night 的可愛式說法
3. c u= see you, 再見
4. lol= laughing out loud, 大笑
5. gtg= got to go, 該走了
6. grrr. : 生氣的形聲表達方式
7. d= the, 例如 I'm d best= I am the best
8. n= and, 例如 merry xmas n happy new year= merry x'mas and happy new year
9. cuz= because, 例如 cuz of= because of
10. orite= alright. 例如 everything is orite= is everything is alright
11. blv= believe, 相信. 例如 I can't blv= I can't believe
12. pix= pictures, 照片, 圖片. 例如 show me the pix= show me the pictures
13. Tsk, 中文 "嘖" 的意思, 有不屑的味道. 貶意.
14. nah= no. 例如 nah need= no need.
15. wads dat= what's that


nvm = nevermind
btw = by the way
BF/GF = boyfriend/ girlfriend
c u = see you
gd = good
lub/luv = love
dunno = don’t know
wateva = whatever
This = tis
havta/gotta = have to/got to
watcha = what are you (通常大家會說watcha doin(你在做什麼)?)
TW = Taiwan (亞洲人會比較知道這個)
nope/na = no
mob = mobile
forever = 4ever
coz/cuz = because
cum = come

~ight變成ite (night=nite)
~ph變成f (photo=foto)
~最後一個字是e的話 就會把e刪掉(like=lik)
~聊天時也可以加入動作 但是動作前面要加* (*yawn=*打哈欠)
~用同音的數字&詞取代 (to/too = 2) (why = y)


er…= ㄜ… (外國人也會用)
oi! = 喂!
ew…= 噁心的意思
ouch = 痛的意思


rofl = rolling on floor laughing
wtf = what the f**** (搞屁啊...)
lol = laugh out loud / laugh on line/ (大笑)

thx = thanks (謝謝)
sry = sorry
plz = please (請, 拜託...)
k = ok / okay ; an'= 'n' = and
cya = see ya = see you (再見)
ciao = 義大利用語的see you&hello
u = you ; ur = your ; r = are ; b = be
dat = that ; da = the

becuz =b'cuz= cuz = cause=because ( 因為 )
brb = be right back (馬上回來)
np = no problem (不客氣)
idk= i donno = i don't know (我不知道) ; no = know
tho = though
aka = as known as
btw = by the way
nvm = never mind
W/z = wit = with
ref = reference
enc. = enclosed
pic = picture
e.g. =i.e. = for example
ex. = exercise
etc. = so on

wtf = what the ***** (搞屁啊...)
stuf = shut the f**k up ( 閉上你的鳥嘴) ; f u = f**k you
fag (英國人罵的男同性戀;gay-美國人所用)
ASAP = as soon as pass possible (盡快)
sup/waddup/wazzup= what's up (怎麼樣 / 還好嗎)
nr=nt = no reply=no thx (沒回訊 ,代表不, 謝了)
24/7 = 每天24小時,每週7天
nm = nothing much
wut/wat = what ; bak =back

數字來代表 :
2 = to ; 4 = for
g2g = got to go
2day = today ;2morrow = tomorrow
2gether = together
2b = to be
9/nite = night
b4 = before

bb = bye bye,o = oh
wbk = welcome back
w/o = without ; n/p = no problem
azn/asn = asian
rite = right ; mite = might ; nite = night
sux = sucks
a lota = a lot of ; kinda = kind of
gotta = got to
gonna = gna = going to;wanna = wna= want to

yr = year ; month = mon ; wk = week
hr = hour ; min = minutes ; sec = second
skool = school ; sms = smemster
rdng= reading ; gra = grammer
gimme = give me
er->a... better->betta faster->fasta
s->z.. bus->buz yours->urz

    創作者 emilyindisney 的頭像

    My simple Life

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