Men who are damaged-or-dangerous explain away their bad behavior. Learning to elimiate
extranesous details from their excuses and distill what they say will enable you to see
through to the true meaning. Example:
He says: "Call me on my cell phone. I never use my home phone."
Distilles Version:"Don't call my home phone."
True Meaning:"I'm married or involved with someone."
He says: "I've never really had a true friend because I'm not outgoing."
Distilled Version:"I've never had a friend."
True Meaning:"When people get to know me, they run the other way."
He says:"I'm gonna hit the men's room again. Three times in a hour might be a record for me."
Distilled Version:"I'm going to the men's room for the third time."
True Meaning:"I use cocaine"
He says:"No one has ever understood me like you do."
Distilled Version:"No one has ever understood me."
True Meaning:"No one has ever understood me because I'm a mess psychologically."
He says:"I called eight times during lunch because I want to know where you are,I worry about you."
Distilled Version:"I called eight times during lunch."
True Meaning:"I think I own you." 摘自
女人請小心 Be smart and clever, spotting a really Bad Guy.

Bad-Guy Language
Men who are damaged-or-dangerous explain away their bad behavior. Learning to elimiate
extranesous details from their excuses and distill what they say will enable you to see
through to the true meaning. Example:
He says: "Call me on my cell phone. I never use my home phone."
Distilles Version:"Don't call my home phone."
True Meaning:"I'm married or involved with someone."
He says: "I've never really had a true friend because I'm not outgoing."
Distilled Version:"I've never had a friend."
True Meaning:"When people get to know me, they run the other way."
He says:"I'm gonna hit the men's room again. Three times in a hour might be a record for me."
Distilled Version:"I'm going to the men's room for the third time."
True Meaning:"I use cocaine"
He says:"No one has ever understood me like you do."
Distilled Version:"No one has ever understood me."
True Meaning:"No one has ever understood me because I'm a mess psychologically."
He says:"I called eight times during lunch because I want to know where you are,I worry about you."
Distilled Version:"I called eight times during lunch."
True Meaning:"I think I own you." 摘自
女人請小心 Be smart and clever, spotting a really Bad Guy.