等了好久,Claire終於回信了,接下來要等one-to-one tutorial meeting,然後接著是要命的3000字Project Plan再等著我
General Comments: The points below give an overall assessment of your work. Their main purpose is to indicate the extent to which you fulfill the assignment criteria and to suggest the areas that you will need to target or the specific points that you must address to secure a good mark in your final submission.
The Proposal is generally good. All sections have been adequately addressed in accordance with the specification in the Project Handbook. Analytical tools are used and the student seems to have a reasonable grasp of the relevant market conditions both in the UK and Taiwan.
However, more sources need to be used. Furthermore, some analytical tools such as Porter’s Five Forces do not appear to have been used and some have been misunderstood.
The work is generally coherent and cohesive; occasional errors do not impede understanding.
It is important to edit and proofread work carefully, checking for grammatical and spelling errors.
In conclusion, to achieve a good grade in the Final Submission a more thorough understanding of some business concepts needs to be shown. More detailed research must be conducted as well as thorough editing and proofreading. You have the beginnings of a very good report.
Please note the comments below.